Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Holidays: Overplayed?

Dear Diary, 

My views on Christmas time are a little bit different than other girls my age. My sister adores Christmas. When I say this, I truly mean it. She starts listening to Christmas music in March. She wants to put up decorations on November 1st (although earlier would be more ideal to her), and she has a countdown started on or before New Year's Day. 

I, on the other hand, get rather tired of it. The meaning of Christmas is amazing. I am a Christian. I grew up with the stories of Jesus Christ and the Christmas ceremonies, complete with plays, at church. I love Christmas, so please do not get me wrong when I say it is somewhat played out.

Unfortunately, I grew up with my sister wearing out Christmas for me. I don't blame her for being so spirited about the holiday, honest. I just don't get as excited as I used to about it. 

Christmas is a special holiday for me. The family all comes together, and no matter how much they annoy me year-round, Christmas day is full of love and patience and kindness. 

Each year, though, it seems as though Christmas loses its flare. People start celebrating earlier and earlier, causing them to forget the true meaning. Don't worry, I won't relay the story to you-hopefully you know it. 

To me, Christmas should be celebrated with the extradorinary specialness it deserves.  

Does anyone else feel the way I do?

Until next time,

Eliza Grace

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