Dear Diary,
It's that time of year again. Each year I decide on making a New Year's Resolution. Now the problem with this is that I either start off fantastic and and forget about it by March, or I forget about it until March-and then start.
I have a problem.
I need to stop this pattern of resolution destruction. Picking easier resolutions could help, but so could better motivators.
Here are some resolutions I believe everyone should try to make this coming year:
1.) Take a walk each day. || Not only can this make a stressful day a little bit easier, it can also take the place of your daily physical activity. Take a 45 minute break and walk briskly around the block. You can do this first thing in the morning as a wake-me-up, or try it in the evening after work.
2.) Stop drinking soda. || I'll be the first to admit that this one is the hardest for me. Unfortunately, these sugary drinks are bad for your teeth, let alone your waistline. If there is one food you cut out in 2015, let it be soda. Try infused water, tea, or soy milk (I love almond milk!).
3.) Go on a technology diet. || I don't mean completely cut technology out of your life, but take an hour from each day and don't look at your phone, laptop, TV. I know it's hard. Spend quality time with your family and friends, read a book, or maybe you can use this time for your walk.
4.) Sleep more. || I'm not giving you an excuse to sleep during the day. I mean try getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night. As a college student, I know how difficult this can be. Sleeping has so many great benefits including focusing more, fighting of sickness, and improving your physical and emotional health.
"Sleeping can do all that?" you may ask.
Yes, yes it can.
Here are some tips to keep you motivated all year long:
1.) Start a Pinterest board! || I can literally write for hours about how much I love Pinterest. They have amazing articles about working out and healthy recipes (If that's your resolution), as well as motivational signs and posters you can hang up.
2.) Let your friends in. || Don't do this on your own. Friends and family make a great support team.
3.) STAY WITH IT!! || Experts say it takes approximately 21 days to turn a new activity into a habit, and 6 months to become apart of your personality. Be sure to remain patient and reward yourself when you reach your goals.
Hopefully this helps those of you who were wanting some help deciding on what to do this year.
What are your New Year's Resolutions?